Planning Files used in PAC
Planning Files
1) Item Master File
File that differentiate component
and record in the item master file for each part number. The files contains, in
one place, all of the pertinent data related to the part. They are :
- Part number, a unique number assigned to a component
- Part description
- Quantity on hand
- Quantiity available
- On order quantities, the balance due on all outstanding orders
- Lot-size quantity, the quantity normally at one time
2) Routing File
Contains a record for each part
manufactured. Each products contains a
step-by-step of instructions describing how the products are made. They are :
- The operations required to make the produc
- A bried description of each operation
- Equipment, tools, and accessories needed for each operation
- Setup time & Standard time
- Lead time for each operation
3) Work Center Master File
This file collects all of the
relevant data on a work center. They are :
- Work center number
- Capacity
- Number of shifts worked per week
- Number of machine hours per shift
- Efficiency
- Utilization
- Queue time, the average time that a job waits at the work before work is begun.
4) Control Files
Exercised through shop orders and
control files that contain data on these orders.There are two kind of files
- The shop order master file : The purpose is to provide summarized data on each shop order
- Shop order detail file : Contains a record for each operation needed to make the item